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Traveling the VHL with William Groves Part 1: Home in Helsinki


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Hello, I am William Groves currently a rookie in the VHL with the Helsinki Titans. After a brief break from writing, I am back with a little rebrand to my travel blog of the past. Not too much has changed. The content will now be focused on VHL cities. Might as well start this newish series in my new home. Helsinki is a nice place. Big but not overwhelming, compact enough to walk around in, and plenty of things to do without excessive crowds of tourists. One of the best places to a half of a day or more is Suomenlinna Fortress. This UNESCO World Heritage site is a fort far older that Finland itself is free to explore and the perfect place to wander and chill. My favorite place to eat and shop in Helsinki is Central Market Square near the harbor. The market is a particularly exciting place when the herring start comming in around October. The history and art museums are numerous and fantastic to visit with two based on postal services and banking surprisingly standing out as places worth visiting. Couldn't forget to mention the Yle Transmission Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the city and a place where I have been known to give an interview or two. There are so many other things I failed to mention simply for lack of time. I really hope I can make this city proud.

Edited by Will3
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