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Toronto surging + standings update

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 It seems like recently the Toronto Legion have been riding a wave of momentum. They have had seven straight wins with a few blowouts in there as well with thier current record being 20-7-2. However, while the Legion have been soaring, Armani Calamari has been struggling a bit to keep up with his teammates and is mostly a good role-player so far. While I personally would rather see the Legion succeed then get a lot of personal success, it is still a bit disappointing. Still, the Legion should be riding cozy all the way to a second seed in the playoffs, provided the Seattle Bears don't start struggling.


 In other news, the DC Dragons and the Chicago Phoenix have been fighting for that second seed with them both being 14-14 and the Phoenix having one overtime loss. The New York Americans are behind them both at 10-16 and the Vancouver Wolves ate behind them at 10-17. Calgary and LA fill out the last two spots at eight wins each. The other conference is a bit more of a bloodbath with the Moscow Menace having 23 wins and the Riga Regin having 22. However the Regin have an unfortunate four overtime losses that might hold them back from the first seed. This season is definitely going to be interesting going forward.

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