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Todd Cooke’s rookie season 2.0


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Rookie Center for the Ottawa lynx Todd Cooke has been on fire since we last spoke with him with 17 points since our last article he’s really coming into his own and showing he can be an important player for the lynx for years to come .


here’s this weeks interview 

 We noticed you’ve been racking up the assists lately , is that something you take pride in ?

I mean obviously anytime you can set up your teammates it’s huge . I take pride in my passing and ability to find people on the ice. It’s also a huge bonus that we have so many amazing players on our team , that really helps me in the long run and makes my job easy .


what’s one improvement you’ve seen this year that you struggled with early this season?

Face offs forsure , early this season I had to adjust and really fight for every win. In practice that’s something we’ve been focusing on and practicing everyday . And I feel like I can be depended on more now then before.

do you feel like you’ve earned a spot on this team for seasons to come ? 

Ultimately that’s management’s decision. I feel like I can contribute on both ends of the ice , I love playing in Ottawa and hopefully I can play in Ottawa for many years to come. We’ll cross that bridge this off season and hopefully we’re on the same page and I’ll be able to stay here.


the vhl  draft is coming up and we’ve seen your name mentioned a few times , what would being drafted mean to you ?

it’d be huge it’d be an honour to be able to be drafted and be a part of a VHL franchise, I hope I get that chance one day !


now we’re gonna try and get to know you a little bit better mr cooke


What does a typical off day look like for you ? I try to get as much rest and relaxation in as possible , I like to sometimes go out for a nice dinner , catch up with friends and family of the time and opportunity present themselves.


if you weren’t playing hockey what would you be doing ? For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a firefighter , the amount of respect I have for those guys is huge they go into harms way and put their lives on the line daily. That is my dream job when I retire from hockey .


favourite game day meal ?

chicken and pasta !


are you superstitious? Any out there pre game routine? I don’t think I am no . And you know the regular put my right pads and skates on before my left for everything, and I always tape my sticks from heel to toe in between every period . 

last but not least biggest inspiration in your personal life or hockey ( or both )

honestly my dad , he’s helped me so much personally and in hockey I can only hope that I someday can be half the man than he is today . If I can do that I’ll be doing pretty good . 

thanks Todd for taking some time out today we really appreciate it. always a pleasure guys thanks !


well there you have it folks ! Cooke sure has made a lot of progress in a short amount of time ! He looks to be a real good player in this league that’s in it for the long haul. Only up from here!





Edited by l1l KRZY l9l
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