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Donny Carter Season Review So Far


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This is a big year for Donny Carter. A new contract looms at the end, and while production is what he is looking for, as of now consistency is not his friend. 34 points in 44 games is better after a very slow start, though it's still not enough. Riga is on a rough patch as its stars slump a bit, and depth players like Carter should be stepping up to provide scoring. Unfortunately the inconsistency remains for Carter. He needs to do better if he is going to get a raise at the end of the year, but that's not what it's all about. Carter has to play better to keep Riga's hopes up at a high seeding for this year's playoffs. With over half the season gone already, time is running out for Donny to turn the heat up. We had an interview with him a few nights ago, here's what he had to say:


Reporter: So how has your season gone so far in your opinion?

Carter: It's been alright, I think I could be doing better.

Reporter: What in your game do you want to improve?

Carter: I'm happy with my physicality, and I'm getting shots on net a lot, I think we just need some bounces our way to get back in the season. We consistently pump pucks on net every game and sometimes end up with 1 or 2 goals to show for it. Just gotta get some better chances. Wherever I fit in the plan I'll help.

Reporter: Thanks for your time Donny.

Carter: Yeah no problem.


After a very tough season last year, Donny has almost surpassed his assist total and already surpassed his goal total and more than tripled his hit total. 4 game winning goals and even some work on the powerplay this year, he's been much better than last year. Hopefully Carter can turn his game up to 11 and really rise to the occasion in the second half of the season.


For Week of May 22nd

Word Count: 333

Edited by TheNeonShaman
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