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My Random VHL Thoughts - S83 - Part 4

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  • Well, tomorrow is the trade deadline (I think? Maybe it's trade deadline week?) and we all know what that means - theme week! Not sure what the theme week is this season, but it means it's the one time a season I'll do a point task. I go through phases with different players and this current player is definitely a "do welfare and round it out with what you can" type of player.
  • The NHL playoffs are going on and there's a ton of game 7s! As I'm writing this the Penguins lost in OT to the Rangers. I really really dislike the forced divisional rivalry in round 1 - it should just be 1v8, 2v7, 3v6, etc... with no re-seeding during playoffs.
  •  I need about 30 more words...I'm always surprised about the level of difficulty of the trivia questions. A couple of them I've been able to answer without looking up but then there's been a couple that I have no idea on after researching for 10 minutes or so so I just give up and guess since I have at least a 25% chance, if not better since sometimes you can eliminate at least one answer.
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7 hours ago, Fire Fletcher said:

we all know what that means - theme week! Not sure what the theme week is this season

Theme week has been the week before deadline for ages now because having it the same week meant new creates got more only the ideal creation time but also immediately got bonus TPE. Problem is that means it should have been last week but I completely spaced on putting it in the schedule and didn’t notice.


We’ll figure out some time to do it in order to compensate or just say that S85 players can’t claim it or something.

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