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Armani life and build update


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 Armani Calamari has had a tough time in life before he came back to hockey. Between the birth of his first son who caught a bad flu as a baby but thankfully survived and his creeping depression throughout the whole process he has had to slowly but surely get his mojo back. He has decided that one thing can help him find a purpose beyond hockey: starting a charity! He has started the Armani Calamari Center for Mental Health of Athletes, which his wife convinced him to shorten to the Center of Athletic Mental Health, or the CAMH. He has decided to split time between hockey and working on the charity center in order to keep his mind busy.


 In other news for Armani, he has focused on some new training techniques in order to get back to competing at the same level as his teammates. And by that, I mean that I ended up giving him a reroll. Yeah I needed to do that because it was clear that his build is not cutting it, and I had my GM give me one that is not as completely haphazard. Hopefully with this new build I can slowly get back up thier with stats. I already gave a goal with it!


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