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Jerome Reinhart why?!?!


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So recently I came across the realization that the VHL Hall Of Fame tab on the Forum actually has a lot of information. I noticed a link for skater career stats and wanted to go through to see if I could recognize any recent names. To my not so surprised surprise, Aloe Dear was the first I could recognize with 784 career points at 33rd all time. Then I thought, holy shit Jerome Reinhart was just tearing up the league recently, they can probably rank pretty high as well! BUT!!!!! I remember they changed positions to defenseman, whyyyyy @MexicanCow123 are you breaking my heart like that. I mean to be fair with the new attributes you can't predict your player to continue being a god but let me show you the stats.


So Jerome Reinhart is a S79 player, from S79-S82 (4/8 seasons), Reinhart collected 459 points in 288 games. To do the easy math, that is literally half of their career since you are only allowed 8 seasons in the VHL. Well if you then multiply Reinhart's point total by 2, you would get a whole career total of 918 points. That would put Reinhart at THIRD ALL TIME IN POINTS. Absolute heart break. 


Okay but what now? Reinhart has 96 points in 68 games this season. So if you divide points by games, you can see their PPG average, which is 1.41. SO NOW - Let's take the remaining games of their career (4 games this season plus 216 for the next three seasons) and multiply that number by their PPG this season since they have a new build and new position, we gotta go off this season. So 220 x 1.41 is 310.2. 310 + 459 = 769. 769 points will tie for 37th all time. Not as impressive as 3rd overall, but still pretty damn impressive. I would be shocked if Reinhart does not make the Top 50 all time.

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