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What Now?


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A very less than ideal playoffs have occurred for myself as a GM, and as a player. My Houston Bulls and my DC Dragons were both swept in the first round of their respective playoffs. Houston was a massive underdog to a much more talented Halifax 21st. The Dragons on the other hand should have been able to win, or at least lose a close series. The results were very surprising. 

The Bulls enter this offseason with two first round picks, their future is looking on the brighter side to get back to be the serious side of competing. I am very optimistic about the Bulls in S84. Lavelle is entering the last season in his ELC. After a very underwhelming rookie season, I expect Lavelle to bounce back and continue to be patient with my build. I think DC will improvement immensely and hopefully a gold offseason will help that. What happens with Lavelle beyond that is a mystery, I am going to play everything by ear. Now, the focus is to help DC win. 

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