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Alfred Champagne Junior Review


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This journey begins in the East of the France, where a young Alfred skates for the first time with his father Bruce.


Even in minor hockey, he was always bigger and stronger than everybody else. He uses this advantage to destroy his opponents and eventually, he had to play with boys much older than him to have a real challenge.

Playing with older players really help his game because he had to use his teammates to make plays and not only take the puck, skate to the other side of the ice and blast the puck into the net. His hockey sense and IQ hockey take another step with practicing at a higher level and have a real coach to help him.


His speed was always his strength even if he was the tallest and the heaviest of his team. He knows that having a big frame, had some disadvantage too. He had to put more effort to have a better coordination because that’s always a concern with tall people. His hands-eye coordination his not «elite», but we can say decent for a boy with his frame. He also had to train his legs to support his weight and to be able to skate faster than the other. That point always makes him insecure so he put his focus on this in his training. His legs are like real tree. A freaking monster. In the pro league, everyone is so fast so you need to skate like the wind to be able to make plays.


With his size, there is no way that he doesn’t use it to punish the other team. In the corner, in front of the net, at the blue line to get to puck out of the defensive zone, in the center of the ice and even put players into the bench, every way to make his presence know he takes it. The other team always has to be on their guard because when he’s coming you will feel it. Some players aren’t afraid to respond and Alfred had to take his responsibility. Dropping the gloves is not pleasant for him, but only a necessity when someone attacks him or one of his teammates.


Alfred Champagne is available in the upcoming VHLM draft. He compares his style of play to Tom Wilson, Correy Perry and Josh Anderson. Will he become better than them? France is not a country to makes great hockey players, but there’s always a beginning right? Open to any team, whoever wants him, he will embrace his new home.


Edited by Anthique
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