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Tate Thoughts (June 8)


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Holy crap it’s Wednesday. You may not be as surprised as me but when you fall into such a habitual lifestyle as mine, you’d understand how my clock can get turned upside down when I take some vacation days. I was originally supposed to be in San Diego this week enjoying the zoo, SeaWorld, and the beach- however I am instead still at home dealing with my ongoing issues. Plenty of time to write a PT, correct? Nah, just all the time in the world to do nothing because that’s all you feel like doing.


In more surprising news Nyko stepped down as the Vancouver GM today, this is bitter sweet of course because I was really happy to have him as my GM but all things come to an end at some point and I can respect his decision. It is always best to have motivated parties holding down the GM seats and now the question is who will get the job? More importantly, what will their vision be? I had a clear idea of what I was getting myself into with Nyko at the helm but now the water is muddy. Will the new GM see me as the building block that Nyko saw in me? Or am I on a whole other block entirely, the trading one.


Time will tell.


(223 words)

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