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Review: Yup, It is that time again when I write something for some TPE and hopefully to take what I say with a grain of salt. Anyways when first looking at the graphic you notice the two image overlapping/intertwined and it just doesn`t feel right seeing such a great logo being treated that way. You don`t need the Stanley cup in the image unless you had it as the background image of someone lifting the trophy. I am not a fan of Yotes being used but I do agree with the comment above that they coloring actually works really well with the Seattle logo. Nice touch with the space needle in the back ground. Need a bit of work on the Championship lettering as I think making it transparent would bring the graphic together better. And for the last point the balance feels a bit long; if your brought the Bears logo down and behind the players you could reduce the height of the graphic giving it better balanced feeling. Overall: 7/10 I like the fact that you tried different thing and as long as you keep trying I am not going to complain that much; I think!!

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