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Eagles playing well in the junior showcase


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Henry Eagles has stepped up his game and has been on fire in the Junior showcase playoffs. His team has comeback from being down 0-2 and went on to win the first series 3-2 to get themselves into the finals.

In the finals the Brigade has taken a commanding 2-0 lead and Henry has managed to score 2 goals in the 2nd game to lead his team to victory.


"It's a great feeling being able to help your team win. We never once lost hope after going down 2 games and we showed everyone what we are capable of" Henry said "In the finals were just taking it one game at a time. We know we may be up 2-0 but we know we can't let our foot off the gas as any team is capable of coming back in a series"


This has been a great tournament for Henry to showcase his skills to all the scouts as he prepares for his first full VHLM season. The draft is to take place in the next few days and Eagles is touted as being on of the top picks this season. He has been showcasing his offensive talent and any team that picks him will know that they are getting a deadly sniper.


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