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Shawn Blab #1


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Yes I stole this idea from bana and not I'm not ashamed of it. I think it's a great idea and others should do it, I like interacting with you guys and hearing about your lives outside of this virtual community. I went on a few dates this week with a girl I've been seeing. She was very adamant about paying for my dinner, which I've never had before so that was pretty cool. I got really sick this week though, I started writing my 2000 word PT on like Tuesday but just got around to finishing today. My throat was KILLING me and I'm not really the kind of person to get sick often but this week SUCKED for feeling icky. I'm getting over it now though, I still have a bit of a cough but I have work in less than an hour so I'll just suck it up


New Rocket League season started this week too, I've been grinding that since my gaming buddy won't be around for a few months, I've been real sad that I have nobody to grind ranked league with. Excited to get back in the gym tomorrow man, being sick took me away from it and I just feel so unathletic and gross not working out. But anyways, hope everyone reading had an awesome week and this upcoming week is even better ❤️

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