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Off-Season ramblings


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We are slowly inching our way to the start of season 84. It seems like the off-season has been especially painful this time around. I don't know why, it just seemed that way. I have yet to look at the other teams and see who looks strong and who doesn't. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out but several teams have different rosters now and only time will tell if they are successful. Seattle looks like it always does after a cup win. Strong and determined no matter what the roster indicates. I would assume Moscow will still be a team to reckon with along with many of the Euro group. It should be in interesting season. Going into the second “new era” season, players have made some build adjustments that we will have to wait and see if it impacts the actual play on the ice. I think a few adjustments to the new system is in order. I am not used to a TPE point being worth much less than before. Depreciation needs to reflect this new system as well.


Everyone stay safe and I will see you on the ice.

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