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Ivan Retoslav - Recap of His Junior Days


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Everyone knows the name Retoslav by now, 80 points in the VHLM, 60 in the VHLE and finally, gearing up for his rookie season. What many don't know, is the origin of the star we know today. In this article, we will be pulling back the curtain and revealing the life of Retoslav before even the VHLM, going back into his DEL days and farther. Let's jump right in! Retoslav was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and also grew up there. He played on the local AAA team and ended up becoming the organization's all time points leader. He played 9 seasons with the team, from ages 5 to 14. He ended up with a total of 544 games played and a staggering 637 points in his time there. Retoslav then moved up to the DEL after moving to Germany for school at the age of 15. He played 2 seasons there and racked up over 100 points in just over 60 games. At this point we get into Retoslav's VHLM career as he was drafted 17th overall to the San Diego Marlins. Shortly after, he was selected as 2nd assistant captain and then selected as captain when the captain was traded away. After this he was traded to the Houston Bulls and, well, you know the rest! Thanks for tuning into this recap of the Russian star's life and we will see you next time when we shave off @Shindigs's beard to see just how much hair a man can have on a face!

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