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Smol Draft

This VHLM draft was an interesting one for sure. Because of the lack of recruitment it wasn't exactly what you'd call deep. In fact it was the smallest VHLM draft class in my time in the league at least, and it wasn't really close. This made scouting a bit different, especially since so many of the players in the draft had just joined weeks/days prior to the draft cutoff. At that point you can't really scout by update log, like you normally would to gauge their earn rates.


Scouting = Teaching?

As a result there was a lot of interviewing, talking to new players and explaining how earning works to them and trying to figure out what kind of goals they have. From that then figuring out which earning would suit those goals as well as how much time/effort they are willing to put into the league. It was a very different kind of experience than last season's scouting. Where Vegas only really had "early" picks in a much deeper draft. This was more akin to what I was doing when scouting for my first JST/VHLE draft. But on a whole different scale. As I usually just reach out to people I find while scouting that have missing updates/only PF or even the rare case of doing presser, but never claiming them. As no one told them you even had to do that. Then walking them through how to fix the missing stuff.


Lasting Connections

So really this season's scouting was more being a teacher to new members than scouting as a GM, and I still keep that teaching role with some players who I didn't manage to get in the draft. Because really I see that teaching part as the main aspect of being an M GM. And I'm not going to stop teaching someone that I've already connected with, just cause they aren't my player.

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