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Tate Thoughts (July 5)


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So, I must have sat at my computer for at least five minutes trying to debate what was worse to do – write 150 words for a .com article or force myself to record for five minutes to get myself a short pod and net 3 TPE.  I bet you can guess which one I decided to go with.  Life continues to be a grind in my real life and I’m losing motivation like a broken tap wastes water.  This is true not only for my online life but my work and personal as I am just so exhausted all the time. 


What a turnaround so far for Vancouver and just an absolute jump up the standings from last year.  I look at my 12 starts and my 50/50 record and marvel at the fact that we’ve this far in such a short amount of a time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for us to break any doors down this season and compete.  I just like how smooth the ride has been on the West coast of Canada.  My expectation for this season remains the same, continue to move the development train forward.  We’ve got the momentum, let’s make sure we use it.  


(204 words)

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