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Two New Faces - Seattle Bears

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SEATTLE - The Bears have said farewell to Maximus Decimus Meridius and have brought in two new players. Kakapo Bushtit is a winger who was brought in from a trade with Vancouver. A young forward who has a scoring touch and great defensive ability in terms of shot blocking, Kakapo will prove to be valuable and reliable for a Bears team that lost some of its best defensive players in the offseason. Kakapo also provides more scoring for the Bears and most importantly in that regard, consistent scoring. The second player brought in from the same trade is Drakon Zabastovka; also from Vancouver. He is a defenseman with great skating, both in terms of edgework and speed. His positioning has allowed him to be effective in blocking shots and his speed is very underrated. A defenseman who is not particularly showy on the offensive stat sheet, Drakon is a dependable defenseman that helps bolster the Bears' d-core.


"It's great having both of them join us." Seattle Bears winger Sigard Petrenko commented. "Kakapo and Drakon are great players and both bolster our defense in their own respective ways. Kakapo is a two-way winger who can put the puck in the net while helping us keep it out of ours. Drakon helps fill the d-man void and can utilize his speed to help us in our own zone. I will miss MDM and his checking ability but having Kakapo and Drakon definitely make up for it. Maybe even more than just making up for it."

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