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Warsaw is a Beast


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Warsaw does not seem to have their scoring edge right now, but they have their defensive game down. Obviously, they are fighting for the first-place spot in the league, and had taken it for a little while, but now they are second, on the outside looking in. Warsaw is not too worried right now as they will probably get on another winning streak before the year is up, but the team needs scoring more. If they can keep the defensive game how it is, and bring the offensive game out, they will be champions, but the problem lies with lack of scoring. I don’t think it would be smart to trade for more top players, its hard to break up what’s working, but the strategy might need slight adjustments to help the team slide over the edge. But I’m not the GM for a reason, Dlamb is because he can make a first place team, so I will leave it with his work.

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