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Jesse! You just put on one of the most amazing performances we have seen out of you yet. Your first professional shut out! How does that feel?

Oh man it feels amazing. I’ve been close in a few games but it feels great to finally get it over with. Honestly, it’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


You also got the first star of the game; I believe a first for you as well this season.

That feels great too. Not only to get that kind of win but also to be recognized for it just feels really good.


Think you have any more in you before the season ends?

Well, we’re a little over half-way through and I feel like my game is getting better the more I play. So hopefully I can manage even just one more shut out. That would make me pretty happy.


I also heard this morning that your teammate Nikolas Kauppi @Tetricidewas traded to Mexico City. How is the locker room after the news?

Pretty quiet. Kauppi was a great teammate and I’m going to miss him. Shame to see someone so good go but I know that that’s how these things happen in hockey.


204 words claimed for week ending July 24

Edited by aimkin
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