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Baker's Dozen


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SAN DIEGO — With so much time on their hands, what do hockey players do in the offseason? For Lachlan Summers, the answer is an easy one. Making baked goods. Anything you could think of, he’s most likely had a run-in with it.


When asked about his love for baking, Summers had this to say. “I reckon it started when I would help my mum in the kitchen when I was a kid. She was always baking something on weekends. So now I’m trying to take her pastry crown from her. Don’t tell her I said that, though.”


“I also baked my fiancé’s birthday cake. Decorated it and everything. Quickly learned I actually enjoy that kind of stuff.” The goaltender added with a laugh. “Some of my teammates said I should start an Instagram to show off what I make. We’ll see.”


Summers proceeded to present his impressive portfolio of the treats he’s made over the past few months, including but not limited to: double fudge brownies, salted caramel cookies, banana bread, as well as pecan pie ( he noted the pie as his mother’s specialty ). He’s a goaltender. He’s a baker. Now what else does Summers intend to do with his time?


“I mean, I’m definitely gonna work on offseason conditioning. Not gonna lay around all day and eat sweets. Maybe I’ll learn how to play the drums next, though.”


Word count: 229

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