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Mack Attack August


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The Sun Gazzette continues its monthly coverage and update of Northern Virginia native and now former SBA basketball player Alvin Mack, as he continues to be eligible in the VHL, despite not having entertained any overtures by the league and its general managers to date. Our beat reporter Jordan Smith caught up with Mack on August 7th in the mountains of North Carolina.


Smith: Same question, different month - any plans on pursuing hockey?

Mack: Yeah! I'm starting up this season! No, Jordan, I'm good. I did join an alumni league of sorts though, former basketball players who are getting together every month in different places throughout the nation to play intramurals, sort of. It's a lot of fun, we do community work as well, have some beers, just a good excuse to see folks you used to play with and compete against.


Smith: Why are you in North Carolina? To see your protege Steve Lattimer?

Mack: No, actually we're in a whole different part of the state, Jordan. I'm in the western part in the mountains not far from Tennessee. Just here with my wife and some family, enjoying some scenic views, lowering the blood pressure, enjoying some peace away from city and suburban life. Enjoying good food and good drinks. Can't ask for much more. I'll see Steve on my way back though, going to fly from Asheville to Charlotte to train with him a bit.


Smith: Speaking of Lattimer, thoughts on how this past season went? The Aviators busted out in the quarterfinals as you know.


Mack: Incredibly disappointing way to end the season for that team. They had the guys to win it all, and to come up that short, was just a complete failure by the coaching staff and the players. Charlotte has completely underwhelmed when the lights have been the brightest, it seems. Steve had a hell of a season but I continue to think he's not put in the best positions to be successful and his coaches aren't going to bat for him. Look at what he did, arguably a defensive player of the year on a great defensive team mind you, but no publicity that his coaching staff addressed at all. I think top 2 or 3 in assists by a big man, no one knows except for him. It's a joke. This guy's going into year 7 with a great resume and it's like he's the least talked about big man in the league. This is the first time I've told him he should seriously consider leaving before his 8th season. Lattimer wants to make Charlotte a championship team but I fear he's going to go the way my career did, having left something on the table, partially on him, a lot because of his coaches. 


Smith: This is probably the most fired up you've been about Lattimer's career.

Mack: I mean look at who's being talked about ahead of him. Rauta Perse, King Kunta, great players on their teams, but Lattimer is better than both of them. Hell, Pablo Morales gets talked about more than Lattimer who is unequivocally a top 5 player in the league at worst. It's just a joke. So I hope he stands out in his 7th season but if not, I'd tell him to wave goodbye, go get paid somewhere else like the star that he is and with a coaching staff that actually has a blueprint.


Smith: How do you think Charlotte will do this season?

Mack: Too early to tell, they've got work to do in free agency. But if they suck, it won't be because of Lattimer. I hope he gets a look at MVP this season. 


Mack: Sorry Jordan, you've gotten me riled up. I'm just really upset right now, Steve deserves better than to live the fate of Alvin Mack. I hope to god his next few years are as good and fruitful as he wants them to be. He deserves it.


This wraps up the August edition with Alvin Mack. 

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