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Commercial with Busser debuts during playoffs


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.....Sometime halfway through the VHLE  regular season




     It was a bright sunny day in Istanbul and out of nowhere a person from the television network approaches Tyler Busser after practice, they both shake hands and greet each other but quickly after that person asks him to be the lead in a commericial for cat food, being a huge fan of cats it was a no brainer and he accepted quicker than the question was asked. Starting out he noted the background was off, instead of a jungle behind him Tyler requested that it must be a park, the network msde the change. After settling in and petting a few cats it was time to pick his favorite, he decides to go with Shady, a cute black and grey kitten who would for sure grab the attention of the watchers.




The first big task though was figuring out how to speak Turkish, he tried online tutors, friends he knew but it was a commericial for new guests of Turkey to learn their language quickly, in 2 weeks guaranteed! It didn't take him long before he was ordering beer and having conversations with the public, it was time to press record. Sitting in a blue chair with a local park in the background he started delivering his lines.





"Hello my little cat friends!" said Busser with a huge smile,

"Are you sick and tired or eating careboare flavoured food?" he says directly after with a frown on his face.

*shows cats from different households staring straight into the camera*

"Well I got exactly what you need, this is pure right from the source and full of deliciousness, something that's actually worth chewing on! Save that cardboard for scratching!!" he shouts and adds,

"Don't worry about getting bored, we have every flavour imaginable and we're still creating more! Order your online today or shop at a local grocery store to find your friends favorite meal!! Enough of spending paper on paper" 




He nails it first try and no need for retakes! If it weren't for the obstables to learn a new language Tyler was a natural, thanks to his father again for not only providing great genes but also branching out and learning more after hockey, if something goes wrong you know who the Turkish TV network is calling first. Now fast forward to the start of the VHLE playoffs and after just a few days the market deems it was an overall success, now the healthier but overpriced cat food was selling more than ever before and the royalties should start coming in for Busser. he had this to say after viewing it live during a game against Bratislava..


"I want to thank the TV network for giving me a chance to leave a mark over here, I hope the fans enjoy seeing my face for the next little bit haha. Probably wont be doing one of these again but I wanted to make my father proud before leaving Europe again. Remember.. Better food makes a better cat!"


It didn't take long for fans at the arena to create their own chants and after a win in the Red Wolves last game it's now a trending story around the world, fans have even been bringing in cat food to be signed and after a few tweets from T.B. himself we should see a wave of empty bags in the crowd for Istanbul's next game at home.

Edited by Frozen Block
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