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Puck Drop with TIM McKRANK (21-08-22)


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Oh boy, OH BOY! Do I have some news for you my dear reader! This will be a Puck Drop edition to be remembered! Mark my words!


So we will not will not be covering Oli McGee’s progress this week, but don’t dispear, we will be back with your favorite Saint-Claude-de-la-Conception in the near future. I just need some time to sort out that Team Brigades restraining order. I swear, I did not stole Daryl Dixon college hockey socks.


So! Who is this week feature?






Yours truly, Tim McKrank, has been approched by VHLM Illustrated to join the writing team! You heard me right! We are bringing VSN straight to SCdlC. Ain't that incredible? It seems we I might be joining the minor’s before McGee’s after all. We'll see then who will be filling restraining orders.


By the way, it seem we have fallen into a clear case of Mandela effect here at the Localist. Some call me Tom, other call me Tim, I think it is time for me to settle the debate. 


I am Tim McKrank, I’ve always been.  


Tom? Really? Are you kidding me? How will the big wigs are going to call me at those fancy VSN diner party. Tomhoty? Ridiculous! Absurd! And, there I say it, PREPOSTEROUS!  The name is Tim McKrank, write it down, y’all going to see it on the big screen screen. I told you all, since primary school, that I was to make it. I guess y’all peasant already flooding my DM. Guess who is the “snotbasket” now.



Oh! There I go getting all carried away! I guess this is it for this edition of Puck Drop. Next week we are going back to the usualy. Or, plan B. We get SCdlC sport nutritionist Petula Consular to show us how to cook Ice-cream Puck sandwishes. Hell, let me know which one you want in the comment.


Tim McKrank, The Localist.


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