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Armani feeds his son


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 Armani Calamari was busy working on setting up his new computer by downloading the stuff he had on the previous one. While he knew the benefit of backing things up because of past computer experiences, he had not completely backed up his last computer when it got drenched by a spilled drink and died. While he was working, he felt his pants leg being pulled on the bottom. He looks down to see his toddler son Joey looking up at him and pointing to his own mouth.


 "Hey are you hungry little guy?" Armani chuckles as he picks up his son and carries him towards the kitchen "you got that Calamari appetite, I bet"


 "Daddy hungry!" Joey says, with the word hungry being said slowly because it was his first time saying it


 "Oh yeah Joey! You said hungry, that's a good boy!" Armani smiles as he prepares a plate of strawberry toddler food 


 "I bet he learned that word from you" Armani's wife Tiffany giggles as she comes into the kitchen "you do say that word a lot"


 "Heh I guess I do." Armani chuckles "but hey, I did talk about that Calamari appetite. Hockey keeps me fit though, and I need thst protein!" 


 "Yeah you do honey" She says as she kisses his cheek "and so does Joey really. Now you can feed him and I'll put a cartoon on for him to watch"


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