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Stormzy becomes London United's official Brand Officer.


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Taking a page out of the Toronto Raptors' playbook, London United has hired a celebrity to help endorse the team and create a buzz for the team heading into the next few seasons. With this move, Stormzy has become the first British born celebrity to involve themselves with the team. His contract includes 6 half time performances throughout the season and on three special days, he will sing the national anthem of Britain and India. Yes, you heard that right. As rumblings continue about London potentially re-locating to Delhi, management has implemented a few small measures going forward to gauge interest in the team's potential move, starting off with a famous British rapper trying to sing a national anthem in a different language. Not only that, but on these days, it is rumored that these nights with be green and orange theme nights. We tried to reach out to management to ask why these two colors, however the only response we got from them was "because they are pretty colors". We will continue to add to the story as more develops, until then... Get ready for the show!

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