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Looking at the all time TPE list again


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Yea this week I'm been having a hard time to think about something to type, thought I might start with looking at that good ol TPE leaderboard again. Thanks to some old screen shots I have I can tell you how much it's changed, the earliest screenshot I have has Velevra's player Soren Jensen at 25th with 1435 TPE, others include Jruutu's player Rauno Palo with 1443 TPE in 24th, DoktorFunk's Scott Greene with 1444 for 23rd, Hexy at 22nd with 1449, DMaximus's Charlie PaddyWagon with 1453, Mr_Hatter's Raymond Bernard at 1454 and Jubis's RJ Jubis at 1469. Any other player in the screenshot is above 1500 and of course some of those I mentioned did pass 1500 TPE. I don't remember exactly when that screenshot was taken but my guess would be around S76 or S77. Back then you only had 10 players with 1600+ TPE earned and it took 1436 to make it onto the list. Looking at it now 15 players have crossed 1600 TPE and it takes 1547 TPE to make it onto the leaderboard. What's crazy is we're not even at the point where the first set of players with nine season careers have retired yet. S77 produced some very high earners, Reylynn Reinhart (Ricer13) sits at 17th with 1594, Paul Atreides (Mr_Hatter) sits at 9th with 1648 and Duncan Idaho (OrbitingDeath) sits at 3rd with 1752, one of only five players to cross 1700 TPE. What about my player Hexy? Well he peaked at 15th as his highest spot with 1565 TPE but was shortly passed by Roque Davis (Josh). Hexy sat at 16th for for probably 6 or 7 seasons? Before getting pushed down, where is he at now? 21st, he's slowly getting pushed out of the top TPE list, he good slide down another spot if Alex puts four more TPE into Alex Johnston. Ori is still a ways out, only recently passing 1400 so still got a ways to go with him. Anyway hope you enjoyed my rambling.


(word count 337)

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