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Typs of people in a vhlm Locker room


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Typs of people in a vhlm Locker room


The guy that trys to be a captain
This guy thinks he is the captain but in no time a other guy gets the captain position in the team


The guy that is not active aka

welfare guy
This guy is like a guy with a life or he doesn't care


The busy guy
This guy is more of a guy that writes one media spot and wait for a other week to start


The hype guy
This guy just hype everyone up he is more of a bouncey ball but fun to talk to


The sim highlights giver
He just send foto's of the games stars and stats and other things 


The grinder and active dude 
This man just grind so much and he just isn't burnt out like omg he is like crazy 


Finally the emotional guy
If your team wins he is celebrating like he won the Stanley no matter what happens like he would probably call his mom like I won the Sim mom 


Part 2 is going to happen

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