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Roll of the VHLM GM


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This media post is going to discuss the role of the GM in assisting first generation players through their first character’s career. With the hopes that as a league we can increase player retention. 


The first thing I want to note is that I can only add input to this discussion from my perspective, and I must admit that I have had a enjoyable experience. I am currently in my third year and have had three different experiences with GM/AGM for my teams, none of which were negative. So, I will admit that this is not going to be a compete discussion on the topic, but I think of it as a starting point. 


Point 1 – First generation players know nothing about the league, its’ history, its’ structure, how the systems work. Let me repeat that so it is clear, we know nothing. The GM’s first role needs to be assisting the player in navigating the system and assisting them in getting to a team, not bombarding them with waiver pitches to have them make a choice about something they have no clue about. It might seem like a small thing but when you are sitting in an already confused state, to now be asked to make another decision with zero information does not help any player feel welcomed. 


Point 2 – VHLM GM need to be hands on to assist first generation players in quickly learning about player development, gaining TPE, claiming first gen bonus, first career tasks, what player store purchases will allow them to best develop, etc. As a side note to this topic, I want to suggest that the league really look at how TPE is earned and allow more options, by admitting that first generation players have enough to navigate that trying to find answers to the trivia questions is ridiculous. (Remember we know nothing) With the various changes that have occurred over the years there is no consistent methodology for finding answers.  


Point 3 – VHLM GM needs to have a lot of patience and an active AGM can really help. As first-generation players we will ask a lot of questions and potentially not the right ones. Please have patience and walk-through things with us. The normal, at least North American, concept of doing something focusses on achieving perfection the first time (a little unrealistic but the truth). In other words, we may ask you with every TPE we earn where that should be put. Walk the journey with us, provide guidance, provide context and perspective. Be a sounding board. Also make sure to tell us about things we have no clue about, things like career tasks, first generation bonus and player store purchases. 


Point 4 – VHLM GM needs to help players get connected to the larger VHL community. Your discord servers are a suitable place for team communication but at some point, players need to interact with the outside VHL community. Encourage your players to reach out in the forum, to write articles about their experience, to put themselves out there. Warn them that someone as part of the old guard might get defensive, but that others will understand. Help them understand that most articles do not cause instant change, but many can open conversations. Help them get engaged in what the future might look like and they might be around to help achieve that future. 


Point 5 – VHLM GM is not an entry point for promotion to other leagues. These people have a specific and incredibly important job. VHLM GM are the ones tasked with helping first generation players with becoming long term members of the VHL. If they do their job correctly then recruitment becomes easier as you will need to recruit less each year.  


Anyway those are my thoughts. 

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nice read brother. option 1, agreed. and most players don't even know they got offered a team. but the owners of VHL said it's getting fixed down the road. 

option 2, I also agree, I wish there were other ways to earn TPE rather than articles. What about fun minigames and people in the community play against each other? even if its just 2 more tpe a week. 

Edited by Achilles
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