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"Different Locker Room Characters" An Analysis on the Work Done Hogan Analyzing the Work Done by JardyB10 Analyzing the Work Done By Jruutu Analyzing the Work Done by Bedirhan


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Okay honestly I just need a place to rant about this "Hogan" character on the forums and discord! This guy just cant shut up! He's always referencing his bans from like last year that nobody cares about or wants to hear. This guy is always making himself the center of attention and its proven by this stupid article he wrote analyzing the analysis of somebody else's analysis. It was an unnecessary article with an unnecessary ending that would've just been better off not being said. This Hulk Hogan character needs to be punished! He has been baiting members and breaking rules for months even after his very deserved bans and nothing has been done. Don't even get me started on how much he talks about his five cup wins, like buddy you litteraly just lost in the finals and your player kinda sucks. I'm sorry for ranting everyone I know its not the usual me but I really needed to just get this off my chest.

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