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Playoff things


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Well, we're off to a somewhat questionable start in the playoffs with Vegas (as usual). It just seems to be what we do, dropping 2 games in the 1st round due to some combination of our patented "Vegas 8 penalty games" and "getting goalied to the high heavens". It's nerve-wracking, but also becoming something of a theme by now. I just very much dislike being in a situation where the opposing team going up to 3 wins is even a possible outcome in the next sim. Because at that point a single lopsided goalie performance means your season is over. Doesn't matter how good your team does/doesn't play at that point. It's all just down to good old RNG of how the goalie matchup goes that one game.


But hopefully we keep the tradition going and only let San Diego get the two games, after we get our ducks all in a row again. And if not, well #blamecole.

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