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At the time of this writing, Malmo is headed into game five of the wildcard playoffs. Go figure, we are going to game five when most thought we would be weak and fold like a cheap suit. We have been competitive in all but one game where their elite goalie went lights out. Other than that one standout game, they have all been one goal games. It might take another season or two but Malmo will be a contender at some point. We have several players that have come alive and want to do their part to be successful. I hope the trend continues and the GM acquires a few active players down the road.


Which brings me to the issue of new players. I don't follow how many new players are joining the league, I just go by “feel”. It feels like the league is falling off a bit faster than I would like to think. I am not sure about the VHLE. When looking at the teams, they look full except for one with only 5 forwards, mostly older players that are most likely inactive. I didn't conduct a deep dive into the other teams but I think I would find several filler players. I like the concept of the three league system but I think we are lacking in actual active players to make it seem legit. This is just my take and filling in the word count for the most part but I do think there is a decline in the active player list. I know it seems slow in the summer and the league is a bit more active in the winter. I hope some form of recruitment and player retention is in place.

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