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Fourth quarter report for Ori (S85) Ending off strong


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Hello readers and welcome back to the final report for season 85! It's been one heck of a ride and an interesting one for the Seattle Bears. The team started off very strong and at points were the top team in the NA conference but fell down to fourth by the end of the season, being one point behind the D.C Dragons. Ori managed to bounce back strongly from a poor quarter, almost doubling the points he earned from quarter three. Ori only failed to score in four games during the 18 game span but had seven multi point games including five with three or more points. He ended up scoring 7 goals and 18 assists for 25 points. His season totals are 25 goals which ties a career high, 56 assists for 81 points. This does reverse the downward trend Ori had been on season over season, finally jumping back up in points. For milestones Ori has passed 500 games played and 350 career assists. Finally for faceoffs he took 705 and won 411 of them for a 58.3% winning percentage. For the season total he took 3,014 faceoffs and won 1,793 of them for a 59.45% winning percentage. It was a strong outing for Ori and we'll see what season 86 has in store for Ori, which team that will be for is up in the air as Ori currently isn't under contract for next season for the Bears.


(word count 241)

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