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Warsaw's amazing season


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Warsaw had a crazy season, with more players having comeback/breakout seasons, this is an amazing outcome. Well, who is the MVP of the team? That’s hard to say, but it would likely be between 2 players, Kisslinger, and Wumbo. That Wumbo is one of the underrated consistent goalies since he’s entered the league, and with a better save percentage, and 6 more wins, it has been a nice and steady increase season after season. Kisslinger has been very good for a while, but having a real comeback season this season, and always hitting heavily. Sock Money has been amazing in the M and E, but in this season, he had 53 points, which is nothing to laugh at, not a point per game, but 5th on the rookie scorers. Brian Payne had 88 points in the season, first time this defence had over a point a game yet, but more will come we know. Travish Degroot has had a steady increase since entering the league, with 68 points, and a good hit number with 227. He has had some trouble in the league since his start, but he’s putting up much more respectable numbers now. Johnny Xavier had a terrible season with London, but after coming to Warsaw, he had more than quadrupled his numbers from 12 points last season to 55 points this season, huge improvement! There wasn’t anyone on Warsaw who had a terrible season, but average, above average, to an amazing seasons for each player in Warsaw.

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