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Molly the Cat, season 86 Media Spot plan


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I am starting to see why people sign up for tasks that give them job pay. I am just about to start my fourth season as a player, which means I am not so far into this experience, and I am already fighting to find things to talk about in my Media Spots. Do not get me wrong, the writing is not the difficult part. It is finding a piece of source material, an inspiration that I am finding difficult.  


So, to combat my frustration I am going to apply for every job available. No sorry that will not happen. Instead, I have decided to make my media spot an ongoing story line. If you missed it, my media spot for this week is the introduction of a season long initiative by Molly the Cat. Each week as an exercise I am going to create some fictional children who will be attending games at the London Arena, but in doing so I am hoping to highlight some real charities and the magnificent work they do. I am hoping it can mirror the leagues Holiday charity drive and bring awareness to a variety of charitable initiatives. I will focus on those that work with children and have a regional or global impact. 


I hope this series can be fun and entertaining but also help bring awareness to the many great works that are going on and to the numerous childhood illnesses and conditions that impact children around the world. I do not know if any of you will read these posts, I am not sure if that really matters. But if you do, please take a moment to think about how you can get involved in your community to assist children in need. 

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