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The Tough Warsaw


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Warsaw has a tough team when it comes to the hits board. Obviously, they do not all the best tough guys, or even 2-way players, they are still a very tough team. The team sees Vasile Lamb giving out 91 hits so far, and like last year, not caring to calm down. Brendan Marner has started to pick up his physical game again, with the amazing totals he has every other year, its something to intimidate anyone in his way. Kisslinger is usually one of the top hitters in the league, but he is having a bit of a down year this year, but he will pick it up, he always does. Payne gives pain, even though he is not getting his usual defensive stats, he will likely be one of the best intimidators in the league as we go towards playoffs. Galvins is not known as a hitter but has been going on the hit sheet this season, lets see if he’s the next best 2-way forward in the making. Buffy and Beach are 2 defensive players I think Warsaw wanted to be this cheap defensive intimidator, so it is nice to them rack those hits up! Anyways, I know there are better players and teams to report on in this category, but I think Warsaw sometimes gets underrated. And who cares about the hitting stats? I DO!!

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