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Down with the Sickness


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No we're not singing a Disturbed song, sorry. But it seems like no matter where you are in the sim league world right now, everyone is sick. Doesn't seem to really matter if you're in Canada, the US or Sweden. Just viruses, the flu and all manner of awful going on all over the place. And seems most people are needing weeks (if not a month or more) to kick it. So whatever it is, it sure is being a pain to deal with.


Thankfully this sickness does not appear to have made it into the VHL team Locker Rooms at least. Though with how the teams in the basement are playing, maybe they are playing through a bug? Who knows? Malmö going all in last season seem to be going about as well as was expected, Helstinki are in fact Hella stinky, Toronto is playing like it's the 1st round of the NHL playoffs and Riga Reign are working on re-branding as the Riga Ree. Just ahead of them LAS are trying to avoid falling to LASt place in NA and after that I'm done with bad puns and wordplay for now. Mostly cause I've certainly hit 150 words by now.

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