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Wann Kerr forced to spend a night in hospital


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Wann Kerr's enthusiasm for snakes has been known since he's joined the league. His career goal is allegedly to make enough money to build "the greatest reptile zoo the world has ever seen" - in his own words.


Italy is not really known for abundance of snakes, but there are morr species than in his native country of Czechia. Especially vipers of Vipera genus are his favorites, and one of the Vipera species - Asp Viper, Vipera aspis - is found all around Italy including around Rome. So it was just a matter of time before Wann Kerr finds some time to go field herping.


Unfortunately, it was reported Wann Kerr was forced to visit The A. Gemelli University Hospital IRCCS'Poison Control Center after a little accident with handling one specimen of said viper. After spending a night in hospital, it was confirmed the bite was probably a dry bite - meaning no venom was released. Which is definitely good news for both him and his team, as it doesn't affect his season. Let's hope Kerr will be more careful next time.

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