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Thoughts On The New Career PTs


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- I like the addition of podcasting as an option for the Career Point Tasks and I could definitely see myself doing one of those with a future player (although not sure if I would do the Biography if it turns out that, like the writing equivalent, it's required to be a longer length than the rest of the PTs, since it only says 10 minute minimum atm). As an older member though it is interesting because, especially round the S30s-S40s, there was always a lot of talk about finding a way to introduce a graphic equivalent to the Career PTs, so to see it get beaten to the punch by Podcast Career PTs is pretty funny. I think especially with the changes since S70 to Career Point Tasks that graphics could become a viable option for Career PTs given that the written Career PT limits are now shorter than a regular PT, whereas when the discussions were being had about graphics career PTs, the discussion was about finding a graphic equivalent to an 800-1000 word task. 


- Moving Biography away from the eighth season is a good move that makes obvious sense. I think only Gustav and V2 did biographies in this era of Career PTs out of the eight season players in the nine possible draft classes that could have done so, so no point keeping it as it was.


- I also like Veteran Presence changing to Career Retrospective as the latter will prove to be a fitting last Career PT for a player to do and Veteran Presence's limits always seemed a bit early for the context (writing about how you're a veteran sometimes only four-five months after writing about being a rookie).


- However, I think I would've preferred it if the limits and TPE payouts for Biography and Career Retrospective were flipped (so 400 words for Bio, 800 for Career Retrospective). I feel like Career Retrospective would make for a very easy PT to write 800 words about since you already have many seasons of data that you can reference (in fact a few of the Biographies I've seen read more like Career Retrospective's than Biographies, which are supposed to focus more on personal life) whereas Biography can be a real chore to make 800 words for (I am slightly biased in this situation because I honestly can't think of anything I can do for my current player Biography wise, but I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest everyone would find it easier to write 800 words for a Career Retrospective than a Biography). I also think the Career Retrospective task takes place early enough in a player's career that it will still be very much in their interest to submit a longer PT to earn more TPE unlike the Biography pre-change which was far too late. Also, the big thing I liked about the original change to five timed career PTs was it took us away from an era where we were encouraging new players to do a PT that wasn't befitting of the VHL experience (Once a Bio is done, a user won't have to write anything as long in the VHL for close to another 2 years), so I'm not sold on bringing back big PTs for the start of a player's career that potentially gives the wrong impression to a new member as to the workload they'll have to commit to. I do think the way they went with will work out fine, but this idea was just what I think might work better. 


- The VHLE PT I'm also a little iffy on as well, more-so because the limits seem a little strange. Since the S83 VHLM Draft Class, players who exceed 200 TPE heading into that draft may elect to bypass that draft and play their pre-VHL draft season in the VHLE, but the impression I get is that they aren't eligible for the PT (based on the talk in the comments of the thread saying how players who play 9 VHL seasons won't be able to participate in it), and I think that could lead to some confusion in the future. There are also fringe cases that may need to be accounted for as well, like if say an equivalent player to Elias Lampi crops up in the future, a player who only joined 7 weeks before the VHL draft and just fell short of 200 TPE VHLE limit pre-draft, but is a max earner that could potentially be called up straight from the VHLM to the VHL next season to have 8 VHL seasons rather than 1 in the VHLE and 7 in the VHL, is it fair for them to miss out on the career PT given the only reason they missed out is they found the league very late in the draft cycle, thus already missing out on a lot of TPE beforehand? 


Edit: Just out of interest, I decided to just type out my career to date to see how easy it would be to get a Career Retrospective to 800 words, and just typing out the details of my career with little to no flavour/personality, no personal opinions on my performance, no mentions of the team's performance and no talk about expectations for the future and I got to 300, so I think 800 words is more fitting for that than 400.



After being drafted in the VHLM 18th overall, TBGCOS had a solid first season, registering 69 points, with 32 goals and 37 assists and also put up just over a point per game in the playoffs with 14 points in 13 games. TBGCOS then moved up to the VHLE for Season 82 to play with the Oslo Storm team that picked it third overall and again put up around a point per game with 15 points in 16 games before a trade sent them to the Geneva Rush. After the trade, TBGCOS production improved to well over a point per game with 70 points in 56 games and its 45 goals scored across the two teams had it finish third in the league in that category. It then joined the VHL and the Chicago Phoenix team that drafted it third overall and recorded the best rookie point totals in Season 83 with 82 points (37 goals and 45 assists) and performed similarly well in the playoffs with 10 points in 8 playoff games. TBGCOS second season saw a drop in production, recording just under a point per game in the regular season (31 points, 40 assists) and a point per game in the playoffs (7 points in 7 games). It's third regular season saw an improvement in goals with 35 goals but another drop in points and assists with 67 points and 32 assists. However, it exploded in the playoffs with 28 points in just 16 games (the most in the playoffs that season), with 6 goals and 22 assists (the 22 assists again being the most in the playoffs that season). Just over halfway through its fourth season, TBGCOS is on pace for its best season to date, having recorded 45 points (24 goals, 21 assists) in 39 games. 


Edited by MubbleFubbles
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