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My first gen experience with Todd Cooke ( theme week )


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I’m currently on my 4 the season with my first generation player Todd Cooke and quite honestly I found something I enjoy , I love the community. I love being able to see my player grow from year to year and work towards goals I set . So far as I sit here and look back my first gen experience has been awesome I’ve learned a ton about STHS and player builds , as well as the management aspect of the league . Let’s take and in depth look at how I came here and what I’ve done to get to where I am today .


I found out about VHL rather unexpectedly I was watching a “Rob Talks Hockey” YouTube video and at the end of the video he did a little bit about the VHL and what it was . While it took me a while to commit to signing up and creating a player I’m so glad I did . My experience here so far has been great !


I created Cooke just before S83 got underway . I quickly signed in Ottawa as a waiver player at first I hated how long it took me to earn TPE as I didn’t fully understand it ( more then anything I was frustrated that I couldn’t develop my player as fast as I wanted ) . But I stuck with it and asked tons of questions to learn tricks and find out the best ways to Earn and by the end of S83 I put myself in a good position for the S84 draft .


I was drafted by LA , Oslo . And Houston . Now from all of S83 and right up too playoffs in 84 I was a forum only guy , I never used discord or was very active in the locker rooms or anything like that . After seeing the growth of Cooke in S84 and seeing how well Houston played that year I finally joined the LR for the playoffs on discord . I haven’t looked back sense Discord is huge and makes this so much more enjoyable! 

After a breakout season in terms of player growth and personal in terms of getting more involved in the community Cooke moved to the VHLE to play for Oslo in S85. I kept open and clear communication with @JB123through most of S84 and made it very clear that I was excited and looking forward to coming up to Oslo . While getting ready for S85 I noticed that JB was looking to hire and AGM and on a whim I threw my name in the hat and applied to work with JB . I was fortunate enough to be chosen . Together we lead Oslo to the renaissance championship in S85 . Actually who am I kidding JB was the architect and mastermind behind that championship team that year I was just fortunate enough to have my player on the roster and be able learn the ropes as an AGM from him .


in S86 I finally made it to the VHL with Cooke and it’s be a learning experience trying to have a successful rookie year and continue to build Cooke up . I’ve really enjoyed it and learning what it takes and what you need to do in order to succeed in the VHL . I’m also progressing as an AGM continuing to learn and try to improve every day to show I belong in that position. 

Overall my experience so far as a first gen who didn’t know what to expect at all coming into the VHL almost a year ago . Has honestly been amazing. Everyone I’ve met in this community has been top notch . It gets better and better every day .


Some advice I’d give to First gens is be open to learning , ask questions , Earn TPE at your own pace and do what is manageable and enjoyable to you . Have fun and enjoy it .

Edited by KRZY
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