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Logan Foley calls his dad


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 "Hey son, glad you called me!" Logan Foley's dad Jack says as he picks up the phone "saw you playing last night and saw you got another hat trick! Too bad about the loss though"


 "Yeah it was a frustrating one but what can you do?" Logan shrugged. He yad just finished today's practice and decided to call his dad when he had the chance "remember the Hounds had zero wins when me and the rest of our draft class came in, so any wins right now are automatically improvements from last season."


 "Right I understand" Jack says "by the way I saw how long your hair and beard are getting, you thinking about getting them cut?"


 "I might get a trim once the season ends and I have to look good at the draft show" 


 "Oh yeah I forgot that you have another couple of drafts to get through, where do you think you'll be going?"


 "No idea, it is not scouting season yet so no one has contacted me about all of that"


 "I see! When offseason comes, are you gonna come down and visit me and your mother?"


 "Absolutely! That's is totally the plan. Mississauga is a great place, but it will be nice to be home for a bit at least"


 "Alright son we will see you then. Love you!"


 "Love you too dad"

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