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Olivier Gauthier on expectations.


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Olivier Gauthier is not a house hold name yet, however, he is someone to be on the look out for. He's been named one of the brightest young goalies to come out of Quebec and there is heavy pressure and expectations for him to exceed. However, if you speak to him, you'll see that he has no issues when it comes to pressure at all.


"I've been dealing with these expectations my whole life. I'm not scared to confront my future or my career. Will I succeed? Maybe. Will I be the least clutch goalie in VHL history? Maybe. Who knows? Thats the glory in this all. I obviously want to win and I'm going to win. It just may not be in a traditional sense."


Olivier spent most of his days playing junior hockey in Montreal before moving to Quebec City to join up with his new club. This club is what elevated his play to the next level and he is being touted as the best goalie coming out of Quebec. In fact, some VHLM scouts have been scouting him up since he was 15 years old, prior to joining his current club.


"I know theres been a lot of hype around me but it's all just noise. Theres lots of great talent around Quebec and in the world. Please, keep that in mind!"


I'm extremely excited to bring this guy up here finally as the public hasn't noticed much about him at all yet. He's going to be the best goalie prospect in his draft year in my opinion and thees already some great goalies around his age. I'm excited to see how it all shakes out as well.

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