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My Christmas TPE


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Well as we move towards Christmas, we see the league very cheerful and collecting their free weeks from the charity donation drive. I am not too sure where we are at with it, but it seems like we are doing quite well, would love to see a number go up and up. As everyone collects their free weeks and theme weeks, I am stuck writing this week, why? Because I wrote theme week last week, but also used a free week from a normal VHL donation so I had to use the theme week points this week when I would’ve used the free week from the charity donation… Yeah. So, I need to write this, but its ok, I will treat myself for Christmas and use the other free week next week. Oh yes and I almost forgot, I also have another doubles week also from my donation drive, so I need to use that after the wee of Christmas and claim the 5 uncapped that’s owed to me from that donation as well… Yeah, I got a lot of TPE to collect the next couple of weeks. Well shit, I was going to talk more about the donation drive, but it turned into my own little rant of what my plans are. I'll pick this up again when we get our leagues total money raised and probably talk about it then. But yeah, since I am about to run on 250 words, I don’t want to make this into a points task so Ill leave it at reminding members to donate, I would love to see more money go into this charity, you don’t need to throw in a lot, but just what you can.

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