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Hill Talks Hobbies


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We caught up with Jaime Hill today after a couple very interesting games against her old team, the Yukon Rush.

"Yeah, we won one and lost the other. It's always hard to play against an old team, especially when that team took a chance on me as a huge unknown, but it definitely would have been nice to grab two wins there. Overall though, I'm extremely pleased with how the season has been going. I'm loving it here in Bern, Sachimo Zoidberg's a great GM, and I've got some of the best teammates I could hope to have. But now that the games are done, I'm just going to go home tonight and finish re watching season four of The Walking Dead before the new season premiers Sunday night. Pretty excited about that, there's also a ton of good stuff on Netflix right now so I've got the next couple nights pretty well planned out. Might try to get some gaming and reading in as well, but we'll see! Got a big WoW patch coming in on Tuesday, so what with the VHLM, catching up on my shows, and reading I've got a lot on my plate for the forseeable future!"

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