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Reporters are going around every team to find out what they think about the playoffs places currently, They find Tzesar of course in the Malmö facility practicing with abunch of teammates and wanna ask him about how he thinks about the playoffs this season. 


"so Tzesar! its the offseason for you but for some teams it isn't but we are here to ask about how do you think about the playoffs right now, so right now what do you think about HC davos dynamo and Moscow menace playoff fight right now?"


"well right now I'm shocked I thought Moscow Menace would have easily knocked them out but no they are tied 2-2 and I was honestly confused how does a final contender seems to be almost losing to a team who almost lost last season playoffs in the wildcard round is crazy to me I understand its a whole new season and everything but from becoming one of the worst playoff teams to becoming a one beating a contender is crazy to me, I would be proud of my gm if we did that all I gotta say to HC davos Dynamo is good job beating the odds is an amazing thing to do." 


"y'know I thought of the same thing thinking HC davos dynamo would be kicked out in the first or second round easily but I guess their gm knows what they are doing but anyway the old cup winners D.C dragons are facing Chicago Phoenix what do you think about it?" 


"well to be honest trying to get a back to back cup is a very hard thing to do not impossible but it is near that you will have to have multiple players leaving the team thinking it won't be worth staying and then going through the regular season trying to still be dominants are factors you need to count in so I'm not surprised that Chicago Phoenix and D.C dragons are tied but I am kind of biased with D.C dragons since Ronan Lavelle is on that team so go dragons!"


"atleast they made it to the second round last season was not the best for HC davos dynamo but anyway what do you think about Vancouver wolves vs Calgary Wranglers?"


"another one which surprised me Calgary was doing amazing this season and now its a 3-1 Calgary losing I hope a comeback is in play but yea one of the best regular season teams in the league losing in the second round against one of the mid teams which I'm against Vancouver but still its just shocking to see a team with that many pieces lose so quickly I thought they were a final contender guaranteed  but yea hopefully a comeback is in the works seeing a thing like this is just crazy." 


" I see where you are coming from a team with the best record loses to a team with not I guess Vancouver is getting lucky this playoffs but still credit to Vancouver for having the balls to do this a true playoff series I can't wait to see who is on top, but anyway Tzesar we seem to have not much time left for today See ya next time!." 


Edited by comrade cat
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