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The Call Up

John Cimarno

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Last night I was informed that I would be called up to play for Davos of the VHL next season. I am excited for this opportunity although I have quite low TPE. I currently sit at 352 TPE but I assume I should be well over 400 by a quarterway through the season. It all really depends on when the season starts since updating is weekly and all. My goal as a rookie going into next season is to bring positive energy and vibes to the LR of the Davos hockey team. With familiar faces in the orginization I should be able to get comfortable relatively quickly knowing people from places like the JST, VHLM, VHLE, Pro Am, Draft Interviews or from picking their player in the VHFL. No matter how I know them, may it be a little interaction or may it be a considerable amount of time like them being a former gm of mine, I will always be familiar with who they are. I have a good understanding now of who mostly everyone is sort of and would like to continue this trend as I embark on another season in Davos. I will do my best to be as active as possible but with exams and sports it may not be so good from me in the next month. 


I also plan to get into management roles, I will be applying for JST gm as well as Pro Am gm and if possible an AGM spot at the VHLM or VHLE level. I am hoping that by the time these opportunities present themselves, I won't be so busy with sports as by the end of this season it should be nearing the end of the basketball season for us and we will be in the 2nd semester. Badminton follows the basketball season and I plan on playing that too so hopefully the schedule for that isn't terribly hard. I am hoping for badminton to have a lighter schedule so I can have more time to commit to the VHL and work on Richards. 


When Richards retires there will be another player made named John Richards Jr. This man will be the son of John Richards and will continue his legacy in the VHL. Obviously retirement is still a little ways away but it's closer than it was before. I am excited to join Davos and hopefully I can bring them the kind of depth scoring I know I can with 15 goals and 20 assists I think I could be a very useful 3rd line scoring option. An option on the PP if wanted and with the way he plays, he can throw hits so he can play that 3rd line role perfectly. I feel like I would fit in with the right pieces around me to guide me in the right direction. I am hoping that by the time I am due for another contract, I will be above 600 TPE and slowly starting to put up impressive numbers on the scoresheet and in general like hits and blocked shots. I would love to have a 30 goal season at least once in my career which has always eluded me ever since setting the goal in back in my first full season in the VHLM where I scored 29 goals. I then scored 21 with Stockholm of the VHLE as a rookie. I will score 30 eventually and I won't be denied of it. 

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