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Vancouver Wolves - Champions!


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What a run!


I'm so incredibly proud of our players, our coaches, our front office, and especially our fans for constantly showing up all season.  A lot of folks gave up on us after the first two games in the finals, but everybody in this locker room has confidence that we'd turn it around.  Our coaches pushed all the right buttons and here we stand - CHAMPIONS!  I know how difficult it is to win a title, so I will never take hoisting the cup for granted.  A lot has to go your way to finish on top and there's no guarantee that you'll get back here, so I'm going to soak this up for every possible second.  We grinded all year and it feels great to come out on top and especially to give a title to the best fans in the league.  They never doubted us, never lost faith, and gave us one of the fiercest home field advantages in all of hockey.  Next season starts soon enough, but for now we're going to savor this.


Your Vancouver Wolves are champions of the world!  That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

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