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#AsktheBouch: First Random thoughts of 2023


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Okay, I won`t lie I have written two or three different topics this week and I feel that I am not doing any of them justice. Is this what we call write cramp/block. My brain is going one hundred miles per hour and seems to be all over the place so just to get something out I am going to do random thoughts this week:


Vancouver Wolves are Champions

What a up and down season with trading away a star player in a 1v1 trade, making a mistake of trading away defender thinking we would be okay running three defenders until the trade deadline, quickly recovering by trading for an inactive and then finally making a run to just get into the playoffs. We were actually days away from blowing up the Vancouver Wolves roster and starting to focus on the future. Luckily the winning came fast and we kept the team together to make the run that we did.


VHL has Lower Earner problem?

While if true that some players in the lower brackets of earning have had issue earning contract then that is a bit disappointing but the issue won`t be fixed by expanding the league or increasing the salary cap but I do like the idea of minimum roster construction. Even if I actually hate it from being a AGM aspect. I also think the league has actually made changes to fix this issue already but will take time to see the effect of these changes.


Expand the E was another WTF topic

I am not sure if any research was completed when this topic was posted as they claim the E has a ton of active players; when most know this isn`t the actual case. The problem with the VHLE has always been down to the inactivity in the league and that makes it hard to play in the league. The other aspect of the topic was skippers of either the VHLE or the VHLM, this actually shows that most simple don`t want to play in the inactive league. I think we have more a case where the VHLE should actually be disbanded rather then expanded.

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