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degroot ARRIVES in riga


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After winning the gold medal for his new European side, Tavish DeGroot has arrived in Riga for the first time since signing with the Reign organization. The veteran defender was one of the first VHL players to come out publicly to discuss the complete and utter lack of free agent discussions they were having. Following his article, many more came out around the league of sophomore talent also being tossed up and left to the wayside by the slacking VHL managers, and commissioner team.


"It's all such a major distraction to the sport and all of the players. I'm glad that my team and I were able to bring it to light in a fashion that allowed for some players to get onto a roster as well but the work isn't done yet. Training camps start soon and these players are going to have to skate with VHLM teams if the league doesn't step up."

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