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A Stream to 500 Words


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500 words. 


For 6 TPE.


Is it worth it? Some would say no and that’s why so many people either create a graphic or just don’t submit a media spot. And it’s why I’m struggling to get one out during one of the busiest weeks of work this month. I don’t know what to talk about outside of “woo Jesse is 2-0-0 to start the season!”. But how many times do I dip into my player record for forum content?


Like a lot. A whole lot. I’m sure the majority of my content mentions win/loss records and the usual stats to join it. 


Not only have I been so busy with work that it’s Wednesday night and I’m sitting here trying to force out a media spot while my fiance attempts to find us plates and serve wear to put on our wedding registry, I have also been so busy that I feel like I’m out of the loop with a lot that has been going on in the VHL both in the forum and on discord. Only today have I really had some down time to sit and chat with people or check in on the recent content feed.


But back to the matter at hand: how hard it is to write 500 words for 6 TPE when you either have nothing to talk about or you’re just drawing blanks on ideas. All week I’ve been trying to figure out what I could bang out before the end of the week and I still have nothing. Nothing, I tell you. Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Nunca. Efes. 


I can start to see why some people stop creating content. Not necessarily from burn out but more of a drain on a creative mind. Except a few times here or there, I’ve always found it easy to pick something to write about and then stretch it out to 500 words or more. But for those times when I have nothing, it worries me that I’ll never have anything come up again. I don’t want to stop creating and I don’t want to stop writing. But I don’t address drama and I don’t have as active a player as some who can write about their exploits within the world of the VHL or interactions with team mates. Which is a little sad sometimes. I do wish I was more personally social so that I could form these relationships with other members. The only exception seems to be @kirbithan. And while we don’t chat all that much, I think it’s fun that we’ve naturally created this ‘rivalry’ between our players simply based on how we both worked our first gen butts off during our first season in the VHLM as goalies.


And would you look at that, coming around to 500 words because I decided to ramble a bit. I do wish there had been more cohesion to it and this is probably one of my worst media spots to date but I think it’s okay to have a few bad ones once in a while when the juices aren’t flowing and the level of exhaustion is just too high.


Also thanks to @jacobcarson877 for the idea.

535 words for week ending 1/29/2023

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10 minutes ago, aimkin said:

I think it’s fun that we’ve naturally created this ‘rivalry’ between our players simply based on how we both worked our first gen butts off during our first season in the VHLM as goalies.

I’m also gonna write more about this rivalry, of course! 😉

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If I can’t think of a media spot topic and I still write one, I normally just default to background on my player’s personal life honestly. Writing interviews can become pretty long and I find coming up with lore  about the player helps a lot


You can talk to me if you want another rivalry to write about 🤣

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4 minutes ago, sadie said:

If I can’t think of a media spot topic and I still write one, I normally just default to background on my player’s personal life honestly. Writing interviews can become pretty long and I find coming up with lore  about the player helps a lot


You can talk to me if you want another rivalry to write about 🤣

Then a rivalry we shall have! 

Happy En Garde GIF by Coccole Sonore

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12 hours ago, sadie said:

If I can’t think of a media spot topic and I still write one, I normally just default to background on my player’s personal life honestly. Writing interviews can become pretty long and I find coming up with lore  about the player helps a lot


You can talk to me if you want another rivalry to write about 🤣

Same here, plus it gives your player some flesh on the frame, i.e. people get to low key believe that there is a human being (even though we all know it is about an imaginary player in an imaginary hockey league which produces random stats).


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